The people decided something democratically via referendum. Others are democratically protesting. To implement this decision, the prime minister closes the House by applying a democratic process (yes, democracy there gave him this right) so that others do not democratically pass laws that impede the implementation of this democratic decision. Some people then protest democratically and others also tell them democratically that they do not care about these protests.
We are fed up with democracy and democratic processes.
At the end democracy is not just a rule stating that “majority decides”, but much more: information, education, community engagement, et cetera. You didn’t participate in the referendum to vote against Brexit? Pity! You didn’t know that there is a procedure for closing the House? Pity!
Let’s not just look at what suits our side. The answer to complex problems is almost never simple. No, Boris is not a madman. He just wants to apply what the people voted for. Are his opponents crazy? Maybe they aren’t either. Ultimately the “people” decide. Are the people crazy?