A study provides one of the first looks inside the infant's brain to show where the sense of touch is processed - not just when a baby feels a touch to the hand or foot, but when the baby sees an adult's hand or foot being touched, as well. Researchers say these connections help lay the groundwork for the developmental and cognitive skills of imitation and empathy. [1] We analyze data and we believe this actually means something. But nothing means anything. Unless we say so. The touch itself is void of any meaning; touch a child and it may laugh, or cry. Depending on many things; the love it has received from its parents being one of them. We analyze the “processing” of senses, but we are too afraid to ask who does that “processing”. Too afraid to listen to that voice inside our head. “There is nothing here. Just you”, it whispers. “It is not me who senses anything. It is your heart”. Mom…
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