Hearing voices isn’t necessarily a sign of psychosis. In fact, according to the authors of a recent study published in the journal Brain, enhanced attention-related neural pathways might cause these illusory sounds. People hear them because their brains may be especially primed to pick up speech. “[…] roughly 5 to 15 percent of the general population will have some experience of hearing unusual voices at some point in their lives. We think potentially up to one percent might have pretty frequent experiences and just don’t really tell anyone and get on with their everyday lives” explains a researcher. [1]
Pay attention.
Think hard.
And you will “hear” and “see” things…
Seeing, doing, thinking is thought to be more important than non-seeing, non-doing, non-thinking. And yet we see, do and think of things which do not even exist. It is the invisible which guides our souls. It is the unspeakable which speaks into our existence. It is the non-existent which shapes our being.
Close your eyes and listen to the river.
The river is not there.
And yet, there it is…
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