Hard philosophical questions....
In the coming years, lifting the ban on women in combat, announced Thursday by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, might prove particularly challenging in the most iconic of military occupations - the infantry, among the most physically demanding and tradition-bound branches of the Marines and the Army. [source: CNN News] But will that really pose a challenge? Modern warfare has changed so much, that no physical strength is required to kill the enemy. All you have to do is press a button. This is quite scary if you ask me: questions that were once hard to answer, are now become obsolete by the very reality in which we live in.
Easy philosophical questions...
Yes, women CAN be in the army. They CAN push buttons or press a trigger.
One more example which shows in an exceptional manner what Brecht implied: philosophers must be in constant connection with everyday reality. Either wise they are in danger of being surpassed by it.
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