Sunday, March 13, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Nuclear accident, nuclear "incident" and the old stupid debate...

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-03-13]: An explosion at a nuclear power plant, one dead, some people exposed to radiation and the risk of core melting at a nuclear plant in Japan, were enough to have a nuclear... "incident" [source: 1]. Not a nuclear "accident" of course, because in order to have an "accident" in the climax ingeniously invented by the lobby of nuclear energy, we should have hundreds dead. Anyway the debate for or against nuclear power is "difficult." Or is it easy? Ultimately don't wind and solar energy have the same risks as nuclear? No...? Are you sure? Perhaps they are more expensive to harvest? No? Can't be... Maybe they have some other hidden problems? No? Can't be... There must be something wrong with renewable energy or else a country plagued by earthquakes every day wouldn't have so many nuclear plants... Maybe those who speak in favor of other energy sources are "crazy" as this guy...Tesla, who had the "crazy" idea that everyone can and should have everywhere free energy. Surely this is it! Nuclear plants seem to me a very logical option for a place where earthquakes and tsunamis happen as often as they happen in Japan... Let us not be too stricht after all. Everyone has their "logic". Who are we to "know" that ours is the right one?

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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