Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Philosophy Wire: The world cannot be destroyed…

A team of researchers has revealed why male funnel web spiders develop much deadlier venom than their female counterparts. The team has spent 20 years investigating delta-hexatoxins, the venom peptides that make funnel web spider venom so dangerous. [1] Once upon a time we looked up to women. Once upon a time we loved our mother. Now we think we have grown. But we have just made our selves grow. And the world still sees us. No we are not grown up. With each act of violence, we cry out for more help. Deadly men. Violent men. Destroyers of the cosmos. Yet, they have forgotten their mother whispering to them before they sleep.

(“No, my child, the world cannot be destroyed...”)

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…

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