No matter where we look, the same rules apply everywhere in space: countless calculations of astrophysics are based on this basic principle. A recent study by the Universities of Bonn and Harvard, however, has thrown this principle into question. Should the measured values be confirmed, this would toss many assumptions about the properties of the universe overboard. The results are published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, but are already available online.
Since the big bang, the universe has swollen like a freshly formed raisin roll put in a warm place to rise. Until recently, it was thought that this increase in size was occurring evenly in all directions, as with a good yeast dough. Astrophysicists call this "isotropy." Many calculations on the fundamental properties of the universe are based on this assumption. It is possible that they are all wrong -- or at least, inaccurate -- thanks to compelling observations and analyses of the scientists from the Universities of Bonn and Harvard.
For they have put the isotropy hypothesis to the test for the first time with a new method that allows more reliable statements than before. With an unexpected result: According to this method, some areas in space expand faster than they should, while others expand more slowly than expected. "In any case, this conclusion is suggested by our measurements," states Konstantinos Migkas, from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn. [1]
Basic assumptions.
Since the big bang, the universe has swollen like a freshly formed raisin roll put in a warm place to rise. Until recently, it was thought that this increase in size was occurring evenly in all directions, as with a good yeast dough. Astrophysicists call this "isotropy." Many calculations on the fundamental properties of the universe are based on this assumption. It is possible that they are all wrong -- or at least, inaccurate -- thanks to compelling observations and analyses of the scientists from the Universities of Bonn and Harvard.
For they have put the isotropy hypothesis to the test for the first time with a new method that allows more reliable statements than before. With an unexpected result: According to this method, some areas in space expand faster than they should, while others expand more slowly than expected. "In any case, this conclusion is suggested by our measurements," states Konstantinos Migkas, from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn. [1]
Basic assumptions.
A science built on religion.
Religion built on fear.
Human worshiping God.
Unseen principles.
Guiding our mind.
Building a world of mirrors.
Only because we are afraid.
To know that we are God.
And break the mirror.
And see the world beyond.
The most basic of assumptions.
That we need assumptions…
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