Friday, April 28, 2023

Philosophy Wire: Old stories. Long gone.

Photos by Spiros Kakos

Long ago, four giant beings arrived in southeast Australia. Three strode out to other parts of the continent, but one crouched in place. His body transformed into a volcano called Budj Bim, and his teeth became the lava the volcano spat out. Now, scientists say this tale—told by the Aboriginal Gunditjmara people of the area—may have some basis in fact. [1] Arrogant men. Telling stories. Not believing old stories they have heard. Soon the arrogant men will die. Soon other arrogant men will appear. And they will tell stories of their own. And they will deny the stories they’ve heard. Oh, dear men. Why don’t you believe in the raining clouds? Why don’t you see your face in the Earth? Listen to the wind. It is not the cosmos talking. It is you denying to ever speak…

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