Combining big data with artificial intelligence has allowed University of Copenhagen researchers to determine whether you wrote your assignment or whether a ghostwriter penned it for you -- with nearly 90 percent accuracy. [1] Trying to understand if someone else wrote something. But is it possible to ever write something on your own? Is it you who writes down this novel? Or your long lost lover? Is it you who writes that paper on gravity? Or Newton, Einstein and their endless efforts to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos? Is it you who writes those good jokes? Or your parents with whom you laughed together on that shiny afternoon by the beach? Relax. It is not you who is writing. But keep laughing. Keep on crying. For without even a drop off ink, you will keep on writing long after your are gone…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…