Friday, May 7, 2021

Philosophy Wire: New DNA. Same as old DNA…

Researchers have created a synthetic, eight-letter genetic language that seems to store and transcribe information just like natural DNA. The study implies that there is nothing particularly special about the four chemicals that make up the DNA of all life on Earth - guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine, commonly referred to as G, C, A and T. The expanded genetic alphabet formed a stable double helix and maybe, in theory, could also support life. [1] Life encoded. With four letters. With eight. With a thousand. Does it make any difference? Is the “how” a problem when we have answered the “why”? What is important is not life per se. But the potential of life. Which by itself implies the necessity of life. Because only what is necessary is possible. But why would life be necessary in a cosmos which is dead? If not for death’s death? Look at your body. It is not that you die. You are already resurrected! 

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