A relic cloud of gas, orphaned after the Big Bang, has been discovered in the distant universe by astronomers using the world's most powerful optical telescope, the W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaii. [1] We seek the past. We seek the future. We seek the present. Trying to live. Trying to die. And yet we always fail. Seeking for constants where there is only shifting sand. Seeking for change in a cosmos which is solid as a rock. A cosmos crying loud that it never was. That it will never be. That it is not. The only relic of existence can be death. The only relic of Being can be silence. And we are talking so loudly, that we cannot listen to it. A small man sitting on the sand. Seeking the universe. For there is nothing to seek but himself…
Readers tip: The man is the universe himself, or else he would never be able to even talk about it.
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
Readers tip: The man is the universe himself, or else he would never be able to even talk about it.
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…