Thursday, December 10, 2020

Philosophy Wire: Eat art… Die… Live…

What's a feast for the human eye may be a literal feast for microorganisms that colonize works of art, according to a new study. The researchers characterized the microbial community on a 17th century painting and showed that while some microbes destroy such works of art, others might be employed to protect them. [1] We experience art. And so do the microorganisms. Who is more able to appreciate it I am not so sure. Can the hungry speak of anything else than food? Can art be appreciated by anyone knowing art? Look at the void beyond existence. It can contain everything. And nothing at the same time. It is a painting you are looking at. Ephemeral. Thus, eternal. You are inside that painting. Slowly eating it. Slowly killing yourself. Until the microorganisms come. To admire you…

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