What education should be like: A tech guru says that we should teach humans to not be machines. [1] He could be right. We like to teach people how to learn more. How to calculate faster. How to design algorithms better. How to memorize more. And even when students get out of the classroom, we teach them the same things again: How to run faster. How to jump higher. How to be stronger. A deep ancient thirst governs our life and ultimately leads to our death. We had that thirst from ever since we stopped being kids. And we will have it until we die. We cannot quench the thirst. Because it is not a thirst which can be quenched. It is not a thirst for something specific. It is thirst for MORE. And we will never be satisfied. Because we feed our need. In a world of One, we keep on finding more and more parts. Created by us in our quest for more. Stop we must. And think again that we think too much. Just breath. Until breathing has no meaning at all. We used to have nothing. But we never realized that this was everything. We must unlearn what we have learnt. Empty your cup. See? It is full now…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…