Society has encouraged people to be more physically active, yet we are actually becoming less active. This new study offers a possible explanation: Our brains may be innately attracted to sedentary behavior. Electroencephalograms showed that test subjects had to summon extra brain resources when trying to avoid physical inactivity. [1] It is true that being active requires effort. But being inactive requires more. Look at those people running. How difficult it must be. Sweating. Gasping for air. Increasing speed. Overcoming obstacles. They think of nothing. They are not even themselves. They just run. Look at those people sitting on the bench. Thinking of everything. Pondering their existence. Fighting with their inner self. Wandering in the shadows of their dasein. Look at those people running. How easy...
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…