Some 50 years since the original 'marshmallow test' in which most preschoolers gobbled up one treat immediately rather than wait several minutes to get two, today's youngsters may be able to delay gratification significantly longer to get that extra reward. [1] Yes, modern people can wait longer. But not because of better education or of increased abstract knowledge. But because we simply want to eat… more. We have named greed wisdom. We have named the lust to do something maturity. We have named the need to plan forward insight. But only a child is wise enough to want less. Only a child is mature enough to enjoy every moment to the full, instead of planning ahead for “life”. Only a child can have the insight to get the marshmallow now. And then go play. And run. And laugh. While you are waiting for your marshmallow, a whole life will be lived. A universe will have been created. Stars and galaxies brought to life with children laughter and joy…
“Here are your two marshmallows” …
“Good boy”…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
“Here are your two marshmallows” …
“Good boy”…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…