Researchers have developed transgenic mosquitoes that stably express the Cas9 enzyme in their germline. The addition of Cas9 will enable the use of the CRISPR gene editing tool to make efficient, targeted changes to the mosquitoes' DNA. As proof of concept, the researchers used the system to disrupt cuticle, wing, and eye development, producing completely yellow, three-eyed and wingless mosquitoes. Their long-term goal is to develop new pest control strategies. [1] Knowledge does not liberate. Knowledge creates monsters. And modern science is all about knowledge. Always searching for more in the name of progress and research. And yet, more and more knowledge increases our longing for more knowledge. And that makes us feel more and more empty. And frustrated. The moment we realize we will never know everything, we try to make things on our own. To control the cosmos, to manipulate it in order to fit our understanding. And the cosmos will bend under our will. And we will feel more empty. Because we would not have understood anything, we would have just made the cosmos look like us inside: Hollow and void. Seek nothingness. Crave to be empty. Let go. It is only then that you will fully understand everything. It is only then that the beauty inside you will come out. Without any strings attached or knowledge razors to cut through it and distort it. You are not only editing your genes. You are changing the cosmos itself. Making it ugly. Accept yourself. Just smile. You are beautiful.
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