No detectable limit to how long people can live: By analyzing the lifespan of the longest-living individuals from the USA, the UK, France and Japan for each year since 1968, investigators found no evidence for such a limit, and if such a maximum exists, it has yet to be reached or identified. [1] No limit to life. And yet… we all die?! Science has the incredible ability to be blind to the obvious. We define life as something materialistic and even then, we cannot find an inherent limitation to its duration. But why would there be a limitation? Because we believe there should be one, judging by our limited perception of life? We are too much obsessed with the end of our existence. We must stop seeing death. And we will enjoy eternal life…
Memento mori (Remember to die)...
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…