Older people who help and support others live longer, a new study has concluded. Of course science warns us: "[…] helping shouldn't be misunderstood as a panacea for a longer life," says Ralph Hertwig, Director of the Center for Adaptive Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. "A moderate level of caregiving involvement does seem to have positive effects on health. But previous studies have shown that more intense involvement causes stress, which has negative effects on physical and mental health," says Hertwig. [1]
We live for ourselves. We live for others. We live for the flowers in this world. Whenever we exaggerate in any of those two we destroy one. Just live. With love. A gentle touch is enough. Do not opress. Just care. And you will see the world blooming… A breeze… The breath of your mother… You can smell it in the air…
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