Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2016-08-10]: Atheists bring on research which supposedly “prove” that religious people are more stupid than them. [1, 2, 3] And despite research showing that this is not the case [e.g. Ecklund, E.H., and C.P. Scheitle. 2007. Religion among academic scientists: Distinctions, disciplines, and demographics. Social Problems 54(2):289-307] they keep insisting that they are superior to their religious fellow humans. And when someone reminds them of Aristotle or Gödel, they just answer that Gödel was stupid – as though they understand what Gödel said. And when someone shows to them examples of prominent scientists who were religious, they just ignore what you say or pretend they did not hear. And when you explain to them that personal attacks are the last resort of people with no actual arguments, they simply continue to insult you.
Fascism and intolerance now have “research” to back them up. This is how it always was - the misuse of science from those in power is nothing new. Hitler had research which showed that Jews were inferior…
Worship of science (scientism) is the new religion. And the first thing a new religion must do is to discredit and get rid of the old. At any cost...
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…