Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2015-06-16]: A woman living alone in a whole island at the borders of Greece with Turkey. [1] A woman living alone in a whole village at the borders of Greece with Albania. [2] We believe these cases are unique. We are amazed to just listen to such stories. Technology really works after all. It has degraded all our powers. It has made us dependent. Yes, we can live without TV. We can live without telephone. We can live without electricity. We can live without anything actually. The more we “progress” the more we forget the Gods we once used to be. Great people we believe we are. Who cannot even live on their own. Because what frightens us the most is… our very self. From the very beginning we ought to seek our power within. But we chose the easy path of seeking help from the “outside”. From beings we became things. Open yourself to the universe. Feel the universe inside you. Anything else is just a distraction. Do you really need toilet paper? Do you really need this computer? No. Do not seek the answer anywhere. The island is empty. The village is desert. You are alone. Do not panic. Actually, you always were. God.
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