Friday, May 15, 2015

Philosophy Wire: The risk of taking sides! From religion, to philosophy, to science! A path to… nothing?

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2015-05-15]: Religion seems dogmatic in many things because it has taken the risk to try to provide solutions to practical important problems of life. (I am referring to the human problems, not to if there is a 5th dimension…) This cannot be done by a theoretical philosophy or by a cold science which just analyzes things without a purpose. When you must give advice to your children, to someone you deeply care about, then yes you will become “dogmatic” in the sence that you must say SOMETHING. One a “maybe that, maybe the other”, but something specific. How easy would everything be if we just commented on things… Modern humans have lost their will to live. Once we used to have faith in ourselves. We used to believe in our existence. Now we are just… wandering. And punching numbers in our attempt to prove the universe void of consciousness. If we try too hard, we will achieve it. 1+1 = 2. And this is scary…

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…

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