Saturday, March 21, 2015

Philosophy Wire: Titanic sinking: The best thing that could have happened!

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2015-03-21]: Everyone talks about the sinking of Titanic as if it was something bad. Sure a lot of people died. A brand new ship sank. A tragedy for many people. But isn’t life itself a tragedy? Aren’t we all going to die? Who wouldn’t want to die in style? Who wouldn’t want to live his dream, in a brand new ship, using for the first (and last!) time it’s porcelain, it’s bed sheets, it’s tables and then have all these engraved in history in a magical way? If you think about it holistically, this is what happens with the lives of everyone. We live and we die living our mark in the cosmos. A mark that will stay there for ever. We would all like to do it in a magical way. Unique. Titanic was a dream. And the only way to stay that way was to sink. What looks like a tragedy, was the only way…

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…

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