Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2014-06-21]: Neil deGrasse Tyson claims that philosophy has nothing more to offer to physical sciences. [1, 2] How sad… Modern scientists have grown so arrogant so as to believe that they are based on… nothing but observation. They have forgotten that science is based on axioms/ principles which are based on… nothing. Or wait a minute! They are based on something! It is called Philosophy! Take a look at the planets. Are they pulled by gravity? Are they following the curved spacetime? Are they being pulled by invisible strings? Make your choice… And then tell me it is based on observation only! When you forget your roots, you simply forget who you are. Thousand years have passed and we have forgotten where we once stood. One step further and the abyss is waiting. Imagine you walk into the streets of ancient Greece. Plato sees you from a corner. He says to you "Oh arrogant young man. I see in your eyes the eagerness to search for the truth. Look carefully. You already have it inside you"...
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