Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2014-06-11]: Today people believe in death more than any other time. (yes, you have to BELIEVE in many things in order to take death for "granted" - see the series of my articles "What does it take to believe in death" [1]) We believe we are just matter. So nothing mattes. Whatever you will do, you will finally die. Empty shells we are. Just trying to survive. We are expendable. Recyclable. We believe in death. And we kill for that. Ice cold. Part of a weird "Hunger Games" game... Evolving... Into lifeless nothings... But once we were Gods. Once we were luminous beings. A little spark is flickering somewhere in the depth of our soul... Sparkling in the dark... Waiting to become a raging fire again... Slowly but steadily, ice will eventually melt...
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