Sunday, March 30, 2014

Philosophy Wire: "Sick people", said the "healthy" people... [The problem of Evil]

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2014-03-30]: People killing someone just to... kill someone! [1] The problem of evil is something we often prefer to overlook or discard as something too easy to explain. "They are sick people" we say. End of story. We like researching for the cure of every other disease except the disease of "being bad". Maybe deep in our soul we feel that the lack of strong will is not really a disease... We do not believe we can control the uncontrollable. We do not believe in God anymore. We do not believe in our self. And that is why we fail. Everything is there. Waiting for you silently, in a dark room closed for years. And the only way to see them is to seek them honestly with open arms... The first step to curing others, is to cure your self. And only a handful of people have tried that up to now...

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective…

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