Friday, December 14, 2012

Philosophy Wire: EU, Greece and the known parasites… (England, Sweden)

FDC35D153FDA4B1E6CD712BEEA993B91Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2012-12-14]: A new centralized supervision of Eurozone banks is agreed upon. And UK and Sweden are the first to announce that they do not want (and will not) to be part of it.[source: web news, BBC News] UK and Sweden are once again mentioned in a post with the “hypocrisy” tag. They want to be in the EU but not when it comes to them making sacrifices. EU was based on the vision of some politicians who did not have money in their mind. And it is very difficult to find successors of De Gaulle (who had stalled UK as long as he could before accepting her the to the Union) in an era where people think highly of countries like Holland and feel contempt for countries like Greece…
PS. Yes. A country is NOT only its economy!

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