Thursday, September 6, 2012

Philosophy Wire: Down Syndrome? Nuh. You won't fly!

flight5n-1-webPhilosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2012-09-06]:

A child suffering from the Down Syndrome was not allowed to fly in First Class. American Airlines denied him the right to fly with its "privileged" customers [source: web news]. Probably the sight of such a person would be "too much" for them to bear... I am already imagining what would be going on in some of the First Class passengers when seeing a boy with Down next to them... "How on Earth was this child born in the first place?!? Don't we have "science" to kill those children before they are born?"...

Tough questions...
For the privileged and "civilized" only...

After all.
IT IS the 21st century!
And in this century we kill whatever annoys us, so that we do not even see it!

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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