Harmonia Philosophica philosophy portal aims at showing that silence is better than talking, irrational better than logic, intuition better than cold calculations. Thinking freely is more difficult than one can imagine; dogmatism is hidden even in the most "valid" scientific views. There is no "ultimate" truth and no "objective" reality. We are all humans creating our own cosmos as we think. A reconciliation of all different views is required if we are to see our self as it is - a luminous being which is an integral part of the One that Parmenides once visualized...
Harmonia Philosophica has for a long time been in the edge of modern philosophy. It has dealt with numerous problems and suggested innovative answers. With a full range of philosophy articles, including but not limited to...
...in depth articles like "Religion and Science Unification - The path towards Religional Science" or "The Limits of Science",
...innovative notions like the 'Harmonia Philosophica' main thesis,
...provocative ideas like "Why Medicine is Not a pro-Science argument" or "Happy new year, with disease and misery!",
...controversial conclusions like "Why we need more bullfights!",
...weird thoughts like "The need for non-Thinking",
...mind-bending topics like "DIVISION BY ZERO (1/0 = One)" or "What IS a particle? A surprisingly difficult question…",
...poetic posts like "The value of Silence", "Heidegger, σκόλοπες and the road to accepting non-thinking...",
...science philosophy topics like "Science the New Religion: The NSF example",
...hallucination-destructive reminders like "Are we free to choose haircut?",
...at-the-edge analyses like "Mind, Morphogenetic fields, Quantum physics..." or
...life changing essays like "Why good people suffer",
the Harmonia Philosophica philosophy program has delivered in its short life more than anyone would expect. A list of some of the best Harmonia Philosophica articles can be found here and here.
If you ever thought that Religion is equal or even more important than Science...
If you ever thought that Science is an excellent tool but a tool which cannot answer everything...
If you did not know that the most important logicians of all time where theists...
If you did not know that it has been proved that logic cannot prove everything...
If you ever thought that your intuition is right even though your "logic" says otherwise...
then Harmonia Philosophica is for you!
Tip: Browse the Articles List (at the right of the page) or use the Tags (at the left of the page)
Η πύλη Harmonia Philosophica προσπαθεί να δείξει πως η σιωπή είναι καλύτερη από την ομιλία, το παράλογο καλύτερο από το λογικό, η διαίσθηση καλύτερη από τους ψυχρούς υπολογισμούς. Το να σκέφτεσαι ελεύθερα είναι πιο δύσκολο από όσο μπορείς να φανταστείς - ο δογματισμός κρύβεται παντού, ακόμα και στις πλέον "έγκυρες" επιστημονικές απόψεις. Δεν υπάρχει "απόλυτη" αλήθεια ή "αντικειμενική" πραγματικότητα. Είμαστε όλοι άνθρωποι που δημιουργούν τη δική τους πραγματικότητα καθώς σκέφτονται. Μια ενοποίηση όλων των διαφορετικών απόψεων είναι απαραίτητη αν θέλουμε να δούμε τον εαυτό μας όπως πραγματικά είναι: ένα φωτεινό πλάσμα το οποίο είναι αναπόσπαστο μέρος του Ενός που κάποτε οραματίστηκε ο Παρμενίδης...
Κύρια Άρθρα
Φιλοσοφία της Επιστήμης και της Θρησκείας
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