Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-11-22]: The scientific peer review censorship mechanism has started working after all. Scientists from the ICARUS experiment announced that the neutrinos that their peers from the OPERA experiment announced that they travelled faster than light, did not travel faster than light after all [source:
web news]. The announcement was received with great relief and enthusiasm from proponents of the “status-quo” of modern physics. The “proof”? Simple: ICARUS experiment researchers found that the energy spectrum of these neutrinos matches the energy spectrum of neutrinos travelling with speeds less than that of light. The FACT (which not even the ICARUS scientists deny, since the OPERA experiment was conducted twice for verification purposes) that the neutrinos actually reached another location 700 km away many nanoseconds earlier than light would, does not play any role of course. OPERA scientists should not hope for much anyway. Even Gödel had proved once upon a “time” that time does not exist and his proof was after some time diminished to an “exception”, while the existing models of physics remained the same. Maintaining the current status (and thus the current funding) is the most important thing of all in modern “science”…
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