Thursday, October 6, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Quasi-crystals and Quasi-scientists…

C12FF018C38C5209C7D2A4A6789E5D34Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-10-06]: The Nobel of physics went to the one who discovered the “quasicrystals” [source: web news]... These crystals follow non-repeating patterns, like the arabesque creations of Islamic art. But “normal” scientists cannot deal with the “non normal”. Such things were “not supposed” to exist and that is why many “scientists” opposed the idea and ridiculed Shechtman for years. How many other dogmatisms of the  “this is the way things are and don’t argue about it” kind escape the Nobel committee’s eyes every day?

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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