Sunday, October 9, 2011

Philosophy Message: The Immortal Blogger. What are you going to post in 3100 A.D. ?

hourglass-12Philosophy Message by Spiros Kakos [2011-10-09]: What happens to a blog when its owner dies? A macabre thought someone might say, but this is a real problem that our generation will be the first to face. In 1000 years from now the Internet surfer will come across sites and blogs whose owner once existed and will then be no more. But is this the case? Any one can program future blog posts. This is a way to abolish the all-knowing Time and show to the future generations that “existence” can only have the meaning with which Homer used it. Exist = Begin something. “Non existence” does not exist. And Google Blogger can be a weird technological way to prove in essence what Parmenides postulated thousands of years ago. What will you program to post in 3100 AD ?

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