Thursday, July 7, 2011

Philosophy Wire: US bankruptcy, Economics and common sense…

EB7EE1B66C93717AC29F1E40F2BDFF5APhilosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-07-07]: Barack Obama warned people on the serious impact a US bankruptcy (which is possible for the 2nd of August) could have on the world [source: web news]. At the same time CNN is having endless reports on how Greece will borrow 100 billion Euros, USA has borrowed 14,300 (YES, fourteen thousand and three hundred) billion this year which had all been spent by May. Even though USA is based on Money, it tends to always borrow more than it can repay. And the solution the great economists have found to that problem? Borrow more! Meet Economics… The “science” of all sciences…

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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