Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-06-14]: The Raft of the Medusa oil painting (by Théodore Géricault) is exhibited in the Athens Festival [source: web news]. After the French frigate Medusa sank, 150 people all members of lower classes were crowded on a raft. After days of wandering in the sea, only 15 survived. Géricault created the painting by using 2 of the actual survivors as models, as well as the actual dead bodies of some people who died on this raft. On which raft are you on? And what do you choose to do? Kill the others in order to be among the 15 survivors or be nice and kind so as to be killed by the others?
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...