Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Philosophy Wire: i…doNotWantAppleCloud (or “When technology enslaves”) !

sin-apple-snakePhilosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-06-07]: Apple crates a could to store your data. Let’s go then! Everyone to the Apple cloud! Of course there will be some disadvantages. We will have to use Apple software. And we will have to use only Apple hardware (and black… oh I forgot! now they have managed to have white also)… We will have to use only devices starting with i… We will have to pay €10,000 more for the “special” Apple version of USB and… wait a minute! What if Jobs gets sick again?!? No no no no… What will we do then?!?

PS1. At least Hollywood will start showing people using the could with their white iPhones... It was about time they modernized…

PS2. For those who wander which is the philosophical issue with this news: Technology is supposed to liberate us. Not enslave us or make us more “addicted”…

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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