Thursday, May 19, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Wikipedia – STUPID people of the world unite!

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-05-19]: Ten years have passed from the founding of Wikipedia and presentations and events to promote its use are ever-increasing [source: web news]. Old knowledge was kept to the ones who deserved it. Texts of Aristotle or Paracelsus are incomprehensible to the non-qualified even as we speak. After that, the worthless thought that they should have little knowledge as well, this resulting to what we live in today. Is this better? Worst? No one knows. Or do we know actually? Is it really “good” to have random people writing encyclopedia articles? Is it really “valid ” to read 1-2 references and based on those to write an article on quantum mechanics while you are a sculptor? And how “good” is it to have thousands or even millions of people read this article and adopt what the sculptor writes as “valid”? The censorship of the stupid majority is the worst kind of censorship. Stupid of the world unite! You too can write an article about the energy bands of semiconductors in Wikipedia!!! All you need is a little googling…

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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