Saturday, May 21, 2011

Philosophy Wire: The tribe with no time and people with “time” (and arrogance)…

Clock-9-pm1Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-05-21]: A tribe (Amondawa) in the Amazon does not have the notion of time embedded in their language [source: BBC News]. These people do not know things like the "past" or the "future", which seem so obvious for us. While the BBC new articles tries to make the reader think that we are somehow superior to this tribe because we can understand time while they don't, the truth is quite the opposite: We have created an artificial thing like "time", we measure it in artifical ways like (see "clocks") and we dare say the people who do not see that fools? Too arrogant and too artificial to be true...

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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