Sunday, March 27, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Egypt, the banned graphic novel and the blurred boundaries between good and evil...

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-03-27]: A graphic novel which Mubarak regime banned in Egypt, is to be released in English [source: CNN Edition]. The comic tells the story of a young man who disgusted by corruption, decides to rob a bank. During each era the boundaries of good and evil is blurred. And every society likes to designate its own. Our era of "democracy" leaves room for anyone to say what he wants and we tend to blame those who impose prohibitions or censorship as "primitive". The old regime of Egypt regarded the idea of robbing in this comic as objectionable. We do not, simply because we usually see everyday and everywhere around us robberies, murders and other criminal acts... I wonder how many ancient Egyptians would allow the circulation of a book describing the marriage between men? Without going into the specific details on what is right and wrong, le'ts not forget that these definitiona are always on the move... Let's not judge so strictly the old ones, because we will once be the "old ones" for the generations that will come. An open minded man must be open to both new and old knowledge and opinions. Which "rule" says that the newer view is most correct anyway? In any case all values, besides a hard core of universal values, have an expiration date. But in all cases the "faith in Justice" is what drives all laws. Who thinks that art is above the Law? Who think that law is above Art, the highest way of human spirit expression?

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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