Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Philosophy Wire: The Church, iPhone and Heidegger...

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [07/02/2011]: The Catholic Church approved a new iPhone application in which the user can electronically prepare himself for confessession, making a list of his sins [1]. The application is not intended to replace the confession, but simply to help people come closer to the Mystery. So far one man admitted that using the application made him go back to confession after 20 years. Can Church and IT work together? Can such a deeply human process, as confession, be conducted with the help of technology? Man must return to earth and find the "clearing" to which the Thinker Heidegger was referring to so many times... And the realization of Dasein through "Sorge" cannot be done with "things" (αντι-κείμενα)!

Articles for further reading: Harmonia Philosophica [English]

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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