Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Scientists resurrect mammoth, Theory of Evolution at risk?

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-01-18]: Scientists from Japan, Russia and USA announced that they will be able to resurrect a mammoth by using gennetic material from a well-preserved mammoth within the next six years [source: CNN News]. Does that mean that man decides on which species survive and which not, without taking into account the well known tautology of the Theory of Evolution as we know it? (i.e. that "the fittest to survive, finally...survive" - see "Evolution and ID - The way to an agreement") Does that mean that we have to write again some of the rules of evolution, since now man also decides as a little "God" which species should exist? Maybe we should, unless humans are not considered a part of nature and a part of nature's forces, which of course raises many more problems of a different kind...

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