Monday, January 17, 2011
Philosophy Wire: Astrology, science and old dogmas in todays life...
Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-01-17]: Scientists found out that the zodiac signs are calculated today based (wrongly) on the place the Earth's axis had 2,000 years ago. Since the Earth's axis continuously moves, zodiac signs today must be calculated based on different dates than they did two millenium ago [source: web news 1, web news 2]. While one must let each person to judge by himself if he wishes to laugh on this news, the important think is to take a good look at what other similar dogmas may still invade our lifes without us taking notice. Two thousand year-old "opinions" like the "everything is composed of atoms" or like the "logic has no antinomies and can lead us to determine what is right and wrong" still exist. Old doctrines, old opinions exist in every field of knowledge today. The role of the openminded man is to QUESTION EVERYTHING and not just the things he does not like...
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...