Saturday, December 4, 2010

Philosophy Wire: WikiLeaks and Democracy leaks...

Philosophy Wire of Spiros Kakos: 2010-12-04 WikiLeaks page is struggling to stay online. After being kicked out of USA Amazon host (for reasons Amazon claims to have nothing to do with the revelations of the last days) and another US host, it finally found a (temporary?) safe place in Switzerland. [Source:] But the hosting company had servers both in France and in
Switzerland. France protested so now WikiLeaks is based on Switzerland servers only.

Coutries which claim to be "democratic" do their best to crash the web-portal of WikiLeaks and ban its existence in the Internet. Where is the deomocratic control people must have on their elected governments? What does someone really understand from the efforts of governments not to discolure what they do? Can you vote and elect your representatived if your do not know what they do?

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