Philosophy Wire: 2010-11-14 New concerns are raised for the body security scanners at airports. The threat of terrorism has resulted in an unprecedented attack on personal freedon. Do those people in airports actually "feel" terrorized? Do you see anguish in their faces? Do you see them concerned with an evil force trying to do them harm? Who is actually threatened? Defining what we talk about is always crucial: we must understand WHO is terrorized...
[Part of the Learning Greek for Dummies series - cross-reference with Φιλοσοφικό Τηλεγράφημα: Νέοι έλεγχοι σώματος στα αεροδρόμια, η τρομοκρατία και η "τρομοκρατία" to see the Greek version of this Philosophy Wire]
(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...